Pelican Hill Golf Course and Resort

In 1990, Sukut built the world-renowned Pelican Hill golf course. In 2005, Sukut Construction was asked by The Irvine Company to be a part of it’s consulting team and general contractor to construct the challenging world-class Pelican Hill Resort. Sukut also assisted in resolving the myriad of design construction issues associated with an aggressive schedule…Read more

Headlands Reserve

Located on the beautiful beaches of Dana Point, Headlands Reserve is now the location of custom homes and a hotel. The project consisted of mass grading, concrete, and rip rap revetment at the “strand beach”. Mechanically stabilized earth walls were built with some of the walls reaching 40 feet in height. Stairs and ramps were…Read more

Walnut Hills – Three Oaks Project

Sukut moved more than 17 million cubic yards of dirt to create 268 mountain top lots for this multi-million dollar project that spans 268 graded acres. Sukut used new and innovative approaches to rebuild mountains, making this type of terrain a safer place to build communities. In fact, the use of GPS (Global Positioning System)…Read more

Dos Lagos 18 Hole Golf Course

Sukut reclaimed the long-abandoned dumping ground site with an innovative design that restored safety to the aquifer and brought balance back to previously destroyed habitat areas.Sukut established two surface lakes for a 543-acre, mixed-used community. The following is a brief description of work completed: • Excavating nine million cubic yards over 543 acres of land….Read more

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