Caltrans Route 189 Emergency Work Project

This project involves the emergency closure of CA-189 to perform remedial excavation to remove and replace a failed gabion wall. Sukut is replacing the failed gabion wall, using gabion rock baskets and Tensar geogrid. This will restore the retainment of the road and access to impacted residences.Read more

Canal Replacement Project, Segment 5B

On this project, Sukut crews are unwatering the existing canal and then removing, hauling, and disposing of collected sediment. Sukut is also installing 165 dewatering wells to lower the water table to an approximate elevation of negative 18 feet to install 6,394 feet of a 10-foot diameter RCP. The dewatering system incorporates an automatic dilution…Read more

Bouldin Island Levee Improvement Project

On this project, Sukut will be stripping 55 acres of the existing farmland, excavating, and stockpiling 200,000 cubic yards of peat material. On-site borrow sites will be utilized to excavate and haul 510,000 cubic yards of fill material to rebuild five miles of existing levee along the Mokelumne River. Once the levee has been rebuilt…Read more

Caltrans 07-343204 I-405 Slope Repairs at Rinaldi Street Project

Sukut will reconstruct the steep earthen slopes along Interstate 405 between Rinaldi Street and the interchange with Interstate 5.  Since its original construction, the slopes along this stretch of the freeway have eroded significantly.  Sukut will regrade the slopes, remove the old drainage systems, and at two locations install concrete-filled buttresses.  Sukut will also install…Read more

Caltrans 07-339604 Route 14 Slope Repair Project

Sukut successfully reconstructed a 2,000-foot-long cut slope that was graded during the construction of State Route 14 in the early 1970s. Over the years, this nearly 200-foot-high hill has experienced significant erosion. The project involved removing approximately 212,000 cubic yards of earth from the site, followed by the installation of around 554,000 square feet of…Read more

Pure Water Program Morena Conveyance System Project

Sukut is installing two separate pipelines, each nearly seven miles in length. The pipelines are part of the City of San Diego’s massive Pure Water program. Once operational, the project will purify 30 million gallons of recycled water per day for San Diego residents. The pipeline work begins in a commercial area near the Route…Read more

SR-46 SLO Corridor Improvements Project

Sukut performed construction activities to widen the Cholame Section of Route 46 from a two-lane highway to a four-lane divided expressway. This 200-acre section extends from Post Mile 49.7 to 54.7, totaling five miles from end to end. The project’s purpose was to minimize fatal accidents, improve safety, and reduce existing and future peak-hour congestion…Read more

San Pasqual Undergrounding Project

Sukut removed, relocated, and replaced approximately two and a half miles of the Escondido Canal that crosses through the San Pasqual Indian Reservation. The three major components to accomplish this included: desilting basin construction, demolition and replacement of existing canal with concrete box, and 60-inch pipeline installation. The 110-foot-long by 32-foot-wide desilting basin is a…Read more

State Route 4 Wagon Trail Realignment, Phase 1 Project

This project will reconstruct approximately three miles of State Route 4 in Calaveras County, east of Copperopolis, CA, by modifying the roadway’s existing horizontal and vertical curves, widening the shoulders, and adding turnouts. The purpose of these improvements is to reduce the number and severity of collisions along this stretch of roadway. The existing two-lane…Read more

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