Clear Lake Shoreline Cleanup

This project involved an emergency cleanup of wildfire debris that was entering into the waters of Clear Lake in Lake County. Special operations required a 50,000-pound excavator to be placed on a floating barge in order to remove debris, docks, and pillars from the floor of the lake in addition to floating debris on the…Read more

Olinda Alpha Landfill Phase 2

Sukut continued work at the active Olinda Alpha Landfill with the Phase 2 Front Slope Improvement project for Orange County Waste and Recycling. Sukut displayed its wide capabilities with major earthwork components, landfill gas collection system modifications and improvements, waterline system improvements and multiple sedimentation basin construction. 2,500,000 cubic yards of final cover and stockpile…Read more

Wildfire Post Debris Removal

Sukut has been contracted by the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services to perform post-debris removal work in Mendocino, Sonoma, and Napa County. Following the 2017 Wildfire Debris Removal efforts, lots were still in need of engineered backfill in order to be ready for homeowners to rebuild. Sukut was selected to clear, scarify, and backfill…Read more

Santa Rosa/Napa Fire Debris Cleanup

Sukut Construction was awarded the Santa Rosa/Napa Fire Debris Cleanup Project located in Santa Rosa, CA. The project consisted of a fire response to clean up all debris that devastated Napa and Sonoma Counties.Read more

Thomas Fire Project

At the beginning of 2018, Sukut was contracted by CalRecycle to perform the emergency cleanup of over 600 burned residential lots following the Thomas Fire, the biggest fire in the history of California. Sukut deployed 40 crews that occupied 140 trucks to work daily in different regions of the Ventura County. Through a process of…Read more

Prima Deshecha Landfill Zone 1 Phase D Mass Excavation and Liner Project

The project consisted of the construction of a composite liner system including mass excavation, a subdrain and leachate collection system, a low-permeability soil layer, a drainage gravel layer, and importation and placement of operations layer and geosynthetics. The project also included landfill gas pipeline construction, concrete drainage, a lined stormwater basin, and other miscellaneous civil…Read more

Frank R. Bowerman Landfill

Located in Irvine, Sukut developed a new landfill cell including mass earth moving, material processing, clay placement, and an HDPE lining system. Landfill construction was in accordance with Subtitle D, a stringent quality assurance during construction. The following is a brief description of the work completed: • Moved a total of 3,000,000 cubic yards over…Read more

Prima Deshecha – Landfill

This project supported the landfill expansion and placement of liners in two locations at the project site. It included remedial work on stream-bed protection, gabion structures, concrete surface drainage structures, relocation of a timber bridge section and installation of a storm water detention basin to prevent siltation of downstream facilities. The following is a brief…Read more

Tracy Tire Fire Site Remediation Services

After burning for two and one-half years, Sukut was called upon to extinguish the nation’s longest burning tire fire. An ingenious combination of foam, water, and heavy equipment ingenuity made this task possible. All work was coordinated and managed by Sukut and Cal EPA on a cost-plus basis. Much of the work was performed by…Read more

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